Who am I?


My name is Cijin Cherian. I have been living in Thailand for the past few years.

I'm a software developer by profession. I've been writing code for about 4 years now. I mostly write code in Go and Typescript. The last year I was working on creating a typescript developer tool around real time events here (opens in a new tab). Turns out I really like working on developer tools.

In terms of Frontend frameworks, I work with React. Recently I've been enjoying using htmx with Go.

Before I fell in love with writing code, I used to be a diving instructor for about six years. One of those days as we were coming back from the dive site, me and my mate were on the roof the boat enjoying the sunset and he was like your name is quite hard to pronounce. So he started thinking of ways to make it easier to say. He finally got to,

It's sea like the sea (pointing to it) and gin like gin & tonic

I've kept it since. Makes it easy for people to remember my name too.

Navigating this space


As of updating this page (14 feb 2024), I spend most of my time on Ioignition and this space is where I document updates and other things related to analytics and performance insights.


Logs are things I find interesting or caught my attention. These are mostly all technical things.


This is where I update things that I'm doing daily. These could be either books I'm following or a new programming language I'm learning.

At the time of writing this, I'm following along the interpreter book (opens in a new tab).


These are open source projects I maintain & products I've created.

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