Building in public

Building in public

Around November of 2023 me and my friend decided to do the 12 projects in 12 months challenge. As I was building project 2/12 ioignition (opens in a new tab) out of a curiosity, I started to really enjoy the process of diving deep into this one project and to try to make it grow. Now privacy first analytics is not a competition free zone. In fact there are some really great products out there, my favorite being usefathom (opens in a new tab). So why? It seems like an interesting challenge. I don't intend to copy what they are doing entirely, that is no fun and not how I roll. Now, I will be taking inspiration from them on some things but I want to take it down a different direction, one that focuses more on conversion analytics (maybe). I'm not a 100% sure on the direction I want to go, I'm hoping there will be some ideas along the way.

Also, it's just me on this project as I had decided I did not want to build a lot of projects that I wouldn't be fully vested in. Would I suggest this to you? I don't know, it depends what your goals are and what you wish to get out of this whole process.

As of now, inspired by Max Rozen (opens in a new tab), who was in turn inspired by others, I will be working on features one week and working on finding users the second week. The latter part scares me a lot! I have literally no idea how I'm going to do this, I really enjoying the coding aspect so that is the easy bit. But it's something I might as well learn, as Naval says in this twitter post (opens in a new tab)

Learn to sell. Learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable.

  • Naval

So, I will learn to sell. Others have done it, so can I.

If you are on a similar journey or just want to say hello. Email me or reach out on twitter. Would love to have a chat.

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