
4am Club

It used to be the 5am club, but recently I've started waking up at 0430, so the club name needs to reflect accordingly.

This was a fairly recurring thing I used to do, always spent my morning trying out something new. It's the time I use to learn new things or try out a new tech in depth. I typically pick one thing and try it out with the help of a book. This time of the morning is amazing, it's quiet, it's dark and peaceful. Feels like my time, and I'm focused most of the time.

What I'm upto currently

Currently, I'm building an interpreter in Go with the help of the interpreter book (opens in a new tab). It's really good and on point. Surprisingly, I'm having a lot of fun working on it.

So far, I've built the lexer. Currently working on the parser.

It's all here (opens in a new tab)

22 Nov

Starting work on ioignition today. Will find a way to update progress on this too.

Link to rep here (opens in a new tab)

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