
23rd November

Extending the interpreter: Strings Part 2

Strings that are not terminated properly will now throw an error. I'm yet to parse strings with \, \n, \r, \t. Not entirely sure how to achieve this, will need to look into it or ask for help.

Evaluating Strings

This would be a lot more challenging if were writing the interpreter in C. Luckily, go has support for string and this makes evaluation way more easier. Although, at some point, I like to write the interpreter in C, should be fun.

So, all that there was to do is, when a string literal is encountered, convert it to a string object.

Evaluating String Expressions

Also, very easy due to the same reason as above. So monkey now supports +, ==, and != on strings.

So, we can now do things like:

let s = "hello" + " " + "world";

>> hello world

Looks trivial, but felt amazing to see the test pass for this. It's funny to think what programmers think is amazing.

Operator support: Commit:58875e9 (opens in a new tab)

String evaluation: Commit:7d47608 (opens in a new tab)

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