Getting started

Setting up logs with betterstack logs (opens in a new tab) , dokku (opens in a new tab) & golang (opens in a new tab)

Yesterday I had no idea how a lot of logging service worked and no mental model to follow. Today, I have a slightly better understanding, and kinda enjoyed the whole process.

My initial reactions were frustration, I could not understand why most of the logging services decided to do so much. To the point that I was half tempted to to create a service myself. Till I found out about betterstack out of pure chance. You see, I use digitalocean (opens in a new tab) for all my server needs. Before I go down the rabbit hole of writing a service of my own, I thought I'd just go through the digitalocean services to see if there was something there. As a last ditch effort. Luckily enough, in the add on section I found betterstack and when I saw the live tail dashboard, I was relieved as it was exactly what I needed.

Also, at the same time, one of the communities that I'm part of suggested I try Grafana Logs (opens in a new tab), which would have been a great backup in case I had troubles with betterstack. Which is also a very simple solution and exactly what I needed.

Getting the right logs

Once I had betterstack setup, I had no idea how I would do the next bit. Which was to get the stdout & stderr from the docker container running the server. This is when I came across vector, which is an open-source, lightweight and ultra-fast tool for building observability pipelines. Reading through the documentation I found out that vector uses "sinks" to send logs to a given endpoint, which was already configured via the betterstack quick start guide. Only thing left to do was to set the vector sink to read from the stdout and stderr of the docker container.

Once this was done, I checked the logs locally to see if it was working and it was! For some reason I wasn't able to see the logs in the dashboard. Turned out I just had to restart the container running vector and it was done.

This was really interesting, the last couple of days I went from trying to avoiding setting logs up as I had no idea how to do it, to really enjoying it.

The workflow

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