Hypermedia Systems Summary

My summary of the Hypermedia Systems Book

You can find the book on the hypermedia.systems (opens in a new tab) website. This is just my understanding of the book.

I'll be using ioigntion (opens in a new tab) to implement my understanding as it's already using htmx (opens in a new tab), rather my rudimentary understanding of it. I'll use the book together with my app, as a form of reinforcement learning. As I learn better this way, and things just seem to stick better.

A challenge

As the app is in production and a few days away from launch, I'm reading the book as there is a certain feature I want to implement. The feature involves, being able to toggle a couple of filters which should then update a few parts of the page. I could brute-force it, but I have some time and I would like to understand hypermedia better. I'm using this as an opportunity to enhance my understanding.

I also feel, there are certain holes in my understanding of hypermedia, so I'm just going to bite the bullet and read the book. It needs to be done, so might as well. It'll save me a lot of time in the future. This is the first time I've shown some maturity as a developer. With all of that out of the way. Here we go, it's 1625 on a Saturday evening, I've got myself a couple nice cup of coffee's. So, let's get into it.

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