Finding first users
Facing Fears

This is scary!

So it's been nearly three months since I started on this path to build ioignition (opens in a new tab). It was built on a curiosity, and I know deep down I want to learn what it's like to build and sell on the internet. Building a lot of projects and finding which one sticks is not really how I like to do things. Once I like something, I like to stick with it, dive deep into it. I find analytics fascinating and I know I can contribute to this space. I have some ideas and have been succeeding in executing some of those ideas. But, I am terrified.

Comparing to other similar services out there, I have so much ground to cover. Example fathom (opens in a new tab), is simply amazing. I'm inspired by what they have built, truly. I like the way they are running the business and the way they add value to analytics. That's exactly what I want to do, but my own way.

Why terrified? You may ask.

The question that is driving me is, am I good enough? The ironic thing is, the only way to answer that question, it to go ahead and do the thing that you are not sure if you are good enough for. I'm reminded of:

The obstacle is the way.

The plan is and always will be to keep things simple and focus on solving problems for people. The rest is out of my hands, that was the deal from the start. It's only a chance that I'm taking, there are no guarantees. I know this will pass, I enjoy taking chances, I understand what they entail. Also, I understand that the worse thing you can do is change nothing and keep repeating things as you have.

So, I am embracing my fear and deciding to keep going anyways. Acknowledging that I do need to work better on my marketing, that's also part of the fear. I don't have a plan yet on how I intend to market the product the way it is, as it solves the core problem of making analytics simple, fast and cookie free. One step at a time I suppose. Or so I tell myself.

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