
22nd November

Extending the interpreter

For the most part, the interpreter is complete but not very useful as is. There are few key things missing. Namely, support for strings, arrays & hashes. In this section will be adding those in.


Strings, are not very different from integer literals and can use the string type of the underlying language (in our case go).

The steps were the same as the ones we followed for adding support for integer literals. But, I realized that I had forgotten what some of the code did :D, no surprise there I suppose, as the lexer was written almost two months ago.

Adding support for strings in the lexer

Currently, if you have a look at the lexer.go. You'll notice that invalid strings are not caught:

		if l.ch == '"' || l.ch == 0 {

This will be improved next, so that the parser can return an error instead. Once that's done, I will look into escape sequences. \, \t, \n

Parsing strings

Currently, parsing the string is really simple. All we did is register a prefix to parse string literals. All this parsing function does is return an ast. This will be improved upon, to return errors for strings that are not closed.

Commit:428c9e4 (opens in a new tab)

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