
25th November

It's done

Building the interpreter was exactly the thing I needed to get my curiosity back. It's helped me get back to writing code every day cause I want to. I'm ever so grateful to the author Thorsten Ball (opens in a new tab) for exploring his curiosity and sharing it with in the form of this book. Thank you.

If you ever by the book yourself, you'll notice that there are a few more sections left, mainly arrays and hashes. The reason I'm not going through them is that once you've built the lexer, parser and the evaluator with basic data types, the rest is not that challenging any more. As soon as I was done with strings and I saw that it was arrays, I knew straight away how it can be parsed and then evaluated.

Since, starting the interpreter book, I've felt inspired to work on a few projects and it's come to a point where I need to prioritize.

This is not the end though.

When I bought the interpreter book, I also bought the compiler book. I'll be going through it once I complete some of the projects I'm working on at the moment.

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