
6th October

Expression Statements Helper

Added a wrapper for statements with solely a single expression. Ex: x + 10;

Adding String() to Node

Added a method String to the Node to make it easy to debug and compare them with other AST nodes.

Implementing the Pratt parser (part 1)

The main idea(s) behind the Pratt Parser:

  • Assosiation of paring functions with token type
  • When a token is encountered the appropriate parsing function is called to return the AST Node
  • Each token can have upto two parsing functions. Depending on wether the token is found in the prefix or infix position

This is what the association above looks like

type (
  prefixParseFn func() ast.Expression
  infixParseFn func(ast.Expression) ast.Expression

Commit:36359f1 (opens in a new tab)

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