
24th November

Built in function: len

Getting on this interpreter journey has been refreshing, I was feeling uninspired about writing code for the last year or so. The last couple of months have flipped it, and I can't wait to get to my desk.

I've digressed.

So builtins are interesting. They are like regular function but defined within the evaluator. In other languages you could use a for loop to get the length but since we have not defined loops this would be the only way to get a length of a string.

This is interesting because, if you consider things you use to make your code useful like listening to a port server.ListenAndServe. You are using a method that intern uses an interface net to communicate to underlying network i/o on your computer. My point is, if you had to build this interface yourself the language wouldn't be very useful (for most people).

Although, len is a very simple builtin function. It was interesting to know how one would add it to a programming language.

Commit:65ed80d (opens in a new tab)

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