
19th October

Implementing the Pratt parser: Function literals

Function literals look like this:

fn(x, y) {
  return x + y;

The abstract structure of a function looks like this:

fn <parameter> <block statement>

Having this structure is a good starting point from defining the type to parsing function literals.

Although, params are new they are just identifiers seperated by command and surrounded by a parantheses. They can also be empty.

There are couple of things to note, functions can return a function inside the body.

fn() {
  return fn(x, y) { return x > y; };

Also, using a function literal as an argument when calling another function is also possible:

myFunc(x, y, fn(x, y) { return x > y; });

These seemed a bit daunting when I saw them first and expected parsing function literals to be a lot more complicated that parsing if-else expressions. Turned out not to be the case as once parsing function literals as expressions and provide a parsing method to parse them, the rest just works. In all honesty it felt amazing.

This one was a lot of fun.

Commit:d04df48 (opens in a new tab)

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